Ich möchte Sie gerne zu meiner Vernissage am 18.04. in Berlin einladen. Wenn Sie Zeit und Lust haben - kommen Sie doch vorbei, ich würde mich sehr freuen!
If you happen to be in Berlin on April 18 I would be happy to welcome you at my vernissage.
In this blog we will share with you our vision of beauty, balance, harmony.
As Mark Leach writes in his book Raw Colour with Pastels: “Sound is all around us, and it is musicians who refine that sound into something of beauty. As a painter, I have always felt that my purpose is to craft colour in a similar way, to see through the confusion and seek harmony and beauty.”
And we add: Words, fragments of sentences, spoken noise is all around us, and Ken arranges words in such a way as to capture beauty in the accidental, the ambient soundtrack of life.
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Sommerfeld - Summerfield 38,5x28,5 cm pastel/watercolour |
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Das Fenster - The Window 60 x 60 cm oil painting by Karin Goeppert |
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Sehnsucht nach Stille - Longing for Silence 38,5 x 48,5 cm pastel by Karin Goeppert |