In this blog we will share with you our vision of beauty, balance, harmony.

As Mark Leach writes in his book Raw Colour with Pastels: “Sound is all around us, and it is musicians who refine that sound into something of beauty. As a painter, I have always felt that my purpose is to craft colour in a similar way, to see through the confusion and seek harmony and beauty.”

And we add: Words, fragments of sentences, spoken noise is all around us, and Ken arranges words in such a way as to capture beauty in the accidental, the ambient soundtrack of life.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Orient Espresso

Nachtblume - Nightflower 60 x 50 cm - acryl/spraypaint/ink


Confucius say that Charley Chan wore make-up and fake eye lids.
There are said to be ten thousand things that offend
so why not start with Asia and work our way westward?
The accent didn’t work either, more Assyrian
than Manchurian, and while watching I had the urge
to touch your breasts. They looked so soft. And then
we ate an envelope of some deceptively tasty chemical product.

The rest, as they say, is a blank. What you don’t know about me
(and if you did would increase your affection eight-fold at least)
is that I worship willow trees and would like to spend my afternoons
beneath one of them, composing poetry, smoking weed,
and chatting up the pretty things giggling
vacantly by the River of White Cranes.

I would turn into a Chinese poem
by a defrocked monk (one of those fabled
transformations making it possible for us to grasp  
how backwards and forwards are essentially the same) and we
would dance in the sunlight (music from the 60’s and 70’s)
and drink rice wine and eat sweet and sour
while arguing bitterly in the cold shadows of Taishan.

Erik Satie - Gnossienne No. 1
played by Alessio Nanni


  1. Extra - extra great image, Karin!!!!! If I see it on Facebook I will share it.


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