In this blog we will share with you our vision of beauty, balance, harmony.

As Mark Leach writes in his book Raw Colour with Pastels: “Sound is all around us, and it is musicians who refine that sound into something of beauty. As a painter, I have always felt that my purpose is to craft colour in a similar way, to see through the confusion and seek harmony and beauty.”

And we add: Words, fragments of sentences, spoken noise is all around us, and Ken arranges words in such a way as to capture beauty in the accidental, the ambient soundtrack of life.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Going Underground

Paradise Lost 100 x 100 cm acrylic on paper


                                                                      Now I am quietly waiting for
                                                                      the catastrophe of my personality
                                                                      to seem beautiful again….
                                                                                       Frank O’ Hara

How long have you been taking time off?
Love the outfit: way too tight Led Zep t-shirt,
garden clogs with air-holes, those
radically frayed hand-me-down cargo shorts….

No need to even the score or seize the upper hand. Who’s
keeping track? Certainly not your drinking buddies, currently busy
sprinkling hash over tobacco. The ultra-skinny old dude
with Jimmy Page hair? He’s ordering vodka shots. Sometimes life is  

entrepreneurial (whispers an inner-voice) waiting in its shop-front window,
a sex-worker in Amsterdam; other times a Vermeer girl off in a
shadow, double-checking her shopping list. Meaning? Mean-
while outside of your skin it is spring, so why not stand barefoot

on sun-warmed carpets? Strip clothes off, go walking—
more or less in that order—and surprise the neighborhood—not
the first time a master of your own disaster: Old Hippie
Let’s it All Hang Out Yet Again, shared on Facebook and thousands “like” it.

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