In this blog we will share with you our vision of beauty, balance, harmony.

As Mark Leach writes in his book Raw Colour with Pastels: “Sound is all around us, and it is musicians who refine that sound into something of beauty. As a painter, I have always felt that my purpose is to craft colour in a similar way, to see through the confusion and seek harmony and beauty.”

And we add: Words, fragments of sentences, spoken noise is all around us, and Ken arranges words in such a way as to capture beauty in the accidental, the ambient soundtrack of life.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

All that Jazz

Pliny Said 30 x 24 cm - collage on canvas


“I’ve always tried to take
the most interesting path,”
an academic poet tried to explain,
“Hoping by doing so that I’d become
a path others might choose to follow.” Everything
we do is gesture, I wanted to add. But didn’t.
There’s so much explaining going on. Once,
my father-in-law, and in High German, no
less, said, “Have a seat, I want to tell you
all about the key to my success in life.” I knew
then I would need another drink, and later
the majority share of a joint. Most of us
are like brothers and sisters, twins, who don’t like     
each other. Angry siblings fighting over scraps of food  
and love, our mothers and fathers failing to notice.
If I’m a puzzle to myself, just imagine what you are to me.

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