In this blog we will share with you our vision of beauty, balance, harmony.

As Mark Leach writes in his book Raw Colour with Pastels: “Sound is all around us, and it is musicians who refine that sound into something of beauty. As a painter, I have always felt that my purpose is to craft colour in a similar way, to see through the confusion and seek harmony and beauty.”

And we add: Words, fragments of sentences, spoken noise is all around us, and Ken arranges words in such a way as to capture beauty in the accidental, the ambient soundtrack of life.

Sunday, July 28, 2019


Ingress 80 x 100 cm - acylic on paper


Scads of people inhabit the season…at the mall, no less.
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall…Sale!
Merely people, they pretend to be something else.
Superheroes, supermodels, superstars. But what are they, really?
And what would it be like to enter their heads?
It might resemble a commercial spot for some glitzy review
downtown, song and dance, acrobatic erotica, a bit with a dog.
Not downtown New York or London, more like Berlin or Vegas
where such theatres still exist, reminders of what we’d like to forget.
Beneath the glitter, a mouthful of snap and pop, cracking like bone,
sausage or a burrito, or possibly hard candy. Maybe popcorn.
Good, because, according to marketing experts, we work out
our aggressions by chewing something that feels like it’s fighting back;
keeps random public mayhem to a tolerable minimum.
Below the chewing there’s a humming sound that increases
to the whine of a huge, insanely thirsty mosquito drilling through
layers of humiliation, slights, rejection. Sometimes
you wake up feeling like Sylvia Plath without knowing who she was.
You wannabe Jessica Jones. You wannabe Iron Man. You might even
settle for being Robert Downey Jr., or his personal assistant, like
Bowie’s PA who inherited two million after Major Tom passed away.
But even if you could score such a gig it is unlikely RD Jr.’s kicking
anytime soon though some of us wish he was in better movies. Seeking heat  
you reach out for someone to cuddle: your very own supersized love burger. 

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Hot Wax

Nightflight 120 x 120 x 2 cm, acrylic, oilpastel on canvas


This poem should not be taken as a sedative.
See it as a warning. Or just a bunch of words.
But do not even assume it is medicinal.

Neighbors we can ignore but not their
dogs who stick their snouts into everything
and will not be denied a good sniff. Who’s

the master in this scenario? The man who thinks
he’s a philosopher king ( Why? Because he drives
   an Audi?) or the poodle he’s
bathing in the communal garden?

I have no qualms about ignoring
a boring neighbor’s tame incoherencies

and can still admire in a mode of aesthetic  
appreciation the elegance and poise

of his poodle. Any poodle. Any beautifully speechless doggy.
Charley Don’t Surf’s been said, but the unsaid
should stay where it is, lost in a Parisian stairwell

that ends its twisting passage at a door behind which
laughter-music-casual sex
hinder words from making their meaningful noise.